Apply to Direct (or Music Direct) at Stowe!

Want to get involved with our 2020 season? Have questions?
We have all* the answers below!
Apply now to direct, music direct or choreograph one of the four shows in our 2020 season. You can apply individually or as an assembled team.
* If you have a question that isn't answered here, just contact us!
What are the shows and dates?
- A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder – June 10-27, 2020
- Much Ado About Nothing – July 15-Aug. 1, 2020
- Bullets Over Broadway – Aug. 19-Sept. 5, 2020
- A Little Night Music – Sept. 23-Oct. 10, 2020
What is the deadline to apply?
Please get your application in by Sept. 1. [EDIT: Because of the Labor Day Holiday, we are extending the deadline to Wednesday, Sept. 4.]
Yes, that's soon — however, the application process is super easy! Just a one page form. Tell us who you are and an overview of what your vision is. No need to design a set, calculate a budget or do anything too stressful or time-consuming.FAQ
Do you pay?
Yes! We have stipends for directors, music directors and choreographers. And those are the people we are asking to apply!
Who do you need?
We need four directors, three music directors and at least one choreographer. (Bullets Over Broadway will need a choreographer. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder and A Little Night Music may or may not need choreographers, depending on the director's vision.)
How do I apply?
You're in the right place! First, download the application form.
Tell us your vision for the show and attach a resume with your theatre background. And email it to It's as easy as that!
You can also email if you have any questions we don't answer here.
Can the director and choreographer be the same person?
If you know you can handle both jobs, then yes.
Can the director and music director be the same person?
Ideally no. But if you want to do both, be prepared to convince us that it will work.
What if I'm interested in more than one show?
Awesome! We love that. We'll consider you for all the shows you're interested in. Just rank your choices.
Will Stowe have the Vermont premiere of A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder?
As far as we know, YES! That means you could be the first to direct this show in the state!
Have you chosen teams already?
No! The show selection committee will look at all proposals after the deadline (Sept. 1), and the teams (or finalists) will be decided then.
But you've asked some people to apply because you already know you want them, right?
Nope. We want everyone who is interested to apply. If we hear a rumor of someone wanting to apply — we "ask" them to formally apply!
Why should I get my proposal in early if you don't look at them until after the deadline?
As the deadline nears, we'll solicit applications for the shows that don't have enough applications yet. If we have at least one strong application for a show, we won't try to specifically recruit more applications to compete with you.
Also, it makes you look better because it shows us how interested you are and that you're on top of things. That said, it’s not first-come-first-served, and all applications in by Sept. 1 will receive equal consideration.
I've never worked with STG before. Can I apply?
Yes! In fact, we encourage new people to apply! It's how our group can get better and stronger.
What if I don't have a team?
If you have a costumer, producer, lighting designer, etc., great! If not, don't worry about it. The biggest step is for us to find directors, music directors and choreographers first. After that, we can all work together to fill out the teams.
Tell me more about applying as a team vs. individually...
Can I apply if I'm a director without a music director? Can I apply if I'm a choreographer and I don't know a director?
Yes! If we have a director who needs a music director and a choreographer or music director without a director, we can match them up.
Oh, so you're going to make me work with someone I've never met? I don't know if I like that!
Nobody will be forced to work with anyone they don't want to. That would make for a terrible experience! What we will do is introduce individuals via email and let them figure out if they would enjoy collaborating.
What if I have a team of director, music director and choreographer? Are you going to pull our team apart?
Probably not. We love it when people apply with a full team!
Why has STG started choosing shows before teams?
- So that an otherwise excellent proposal isn't rejected just because it doesn't fit in our season.
- So that directors don't have to worry about knowing royalties costs or budget numbers. They can just be creative and share their vision!
What if I want to direct a different show with STG than the ones you choose?
Propose it! And we'll consider it for our 2021 season. If you know you want to commit to a certain show in 2021, we could build the season around your show. Just email before we choose the 2021 season (in spring 2020).
What if I'm a lighting designer or costumer or other tech person? How do I get on a team?
Email us or message us on Facebook. We'll let the eventual teams know about your interest and they can snatch you up!
I want to be in a show! How do I audition?
Auditions will be in February or March. In the meantime, tell your director friends to apply!
To make sure you know about auditions, sign up for our email list! You can also follow us on Facebook or check back on our web site. Audition information will be posted in both the News and Get Involved sections.
Why did you choose these shows?
Overall we chose a season of 100% comedies because 2020 will be an intense election year. We know people are likely to feel stressed out and not in the mood for something too dark, thought-provoking, deep or heavy. So it's an all-fun, "escapist" season. It has Shakespeare, Sondheim and shenanigans!
On a more specific note, for years "Shakespeare" has been the most requested thing on our audience survey forms. (Other than Hamilton. Sorry, folks, that show won't be happening in Stowe anytime soon!) And... Stowe Theatre Guild has never produced a Shakespeare play! Unbelievable, but true. So for 2020 we decided to remedy that error.
And A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder is a show we've had our eye on as one that would be a great fit for our group and our space. When the rights became available, we jumped at the chance. We love it when Stowe Theatre Guild can produce the Vermont premiere of new shows! (We have done that many times, most recently with The Bridges of Madison County in 2018 and Dogfight in 2017.)
The other two shows fit well to round out the all-comedy season.